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Thursday, August 30, 2012

Beef... it's what's for dinner

"Lean ground beef can be used in so many ways in the kitchen..."  REALLY?  How?

If I don't plan dinner once the kids leave for school, I often find myself frantic about dinner come 2:30.  Few things in the freezer defrost as well as ground beef.  It seems to be my "go to" meat in a pinch.  

What would I have done with ground beef last month?  

Meatballs, baby!!  Simmered in sauce all day, served with pasta, a veggie and garlic bread.  

Shoot.  Wheat.  

Definitely tacos?  Yeah.. that flour soft shell that we love SO much... consists of flour, made from... you guessed it.   Wheat.  BUT...  wait until you hear this.  Quite frankly I can't believe I pulled it off. 

There wasn't much time and I wasn't feeling all that creative.  Often I am not creative in the kitchen. Ask my husband, I am just not a fabulous cook.  Moving on...

I took my Perfect Brownie pan out.       Perfect Brownie Pan

Took the ground beef, defrosted it so that I could mix it.  Added 1/2 cup on uncooked quinoa. 

STOP THERE.  What's QUINOA?  I have heard Jillian Michaels talk about it, but the connotation of that word is the same for me as tofu.  Ewwww...    

Earthly Choice Organic Quinao  --- picked it up at Redner's.   Go to the bottom of the page and look at the nutrition facts.  Not bad!

Good source of protein, contains all 8 amino acids, dietary fiber and B Vits and iron.   

So, listen to this... I mixed that into the beef, with a shake of onion powder, pepper and salt.  I called it something... like Beef Brownies with Fun Sprinkles and they ATE IT. 

ALL four of my darlings ate it.  Not that easily of course.  I sold the meal as a unique spin on tacos.  I served these little squares (because they were cooked in the Perfect Brownie Pan, they were cut already, and the grease drained so they were not mushy.  They were easy to cut with a fork, so it was self serve.  

I offered torilla chips (I know... also processed, but it's corn)  Not going all the way to remove everything processed yet.  I offered cheese and plain greek yogurt, which is similar to sour cream.  Can I celebrate again?  

I also served cherry tomatoes picked from the garden, cucumbers, raw spinach and lettuce, and grapes.  They ate and ate well.  They were full, it was low fat, high in calcium and protein and lots of veggies were offered and eaten.

So, with the dishes done, and the children being cared for by a neighbor, I left for Meet the Teacher night at Middle School.  

That's a "whole nother" blog though....  lol 

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